— De 3 attributter med udråbstegn (!) skal altid angives.  –  HEIGHT WIDTH SRC  —

Her er et eksempel på EMBED anvendt på en af mine sider:<EMBED
TYPE fortæller hvilket Plug-in browseren skal benytte
PLUGINSPAGE viser hvor Plug-in kan hentes hvis det ikke er installeret
SRC angiver stien og navnet på din video
WIDTH er bredden på video
HEIGHT er højden på video – husk at lægge ca. 44 pix til hvis du benytter StatusBar
AUTOPLAY får filmen til at starte automatisk
SHOWSTATUSBAR viser status forneden i afspilleren

Bemærk: I de fleste tilfælde kan du anvende “1” og “0” i stedet for “True” og “False”.

De enkelte Attributter gennemgås herunder
AUTOHREF=value (optional)
AUTOHREF kan sættes til TRUE eller FALSE. Som standard sat til FALSE. Hvis sat til TRUE, vil AUTOHREF starte den URL som er defineret uden at vente på et museklik.Eksempel:
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ href=”http://dns/” autohref=”true”

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AUTOPLAY=value (optional)
AUTOPLAY kan sættes til TRUE eller FALSE. Standard er bestemt af brugeren med ‘QuickTime Plug-in Settings.’ Hvis den sættes til TRUE, vil playeren starte afspilningen lige så snart den har beregnet at der er hentet nok data til problemfri afspilning.Eksempel:
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ autoplay=”true”

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BGCOLOR=hex value (optional)
Bestemmer farven på baggrunden som ikke dækkes af video. Eksempel, hvis en 160×120 video afspilles på en side der er 200×120, vil der være 40 pixels baggrund synlig. Ved at specificere bagrundsfarven kan du bestemme hvordan den skal se ud.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ bgcolor=”000000″

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BGCOLOR=name (optional)
QuickTime 4 Plug-in understøtter brugen af farvenavne. Navnene kan ses her:
“BLACK” (#000000), “GREEN” (#008000), “SILVER” (#C0C0C0), “LIME” (#00FF00),
“GRAY” (#808080), “OLIVE” (#808000), “WHITE” (#FFFFFF), “YELLOW” (#FFFF00),
“MAROON” (#800000), “NAVY” (#000080), “RED” (#FF0000), “BLUE” (#0000FF),
“PURPLE” (#800080), “TEAL” (#008080), “FUCHSIA” (#FF00FF), “AQUA” (#00FFFF)
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ bgcolor=”black”

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CACHE=value (optional)
Ønsker du din video gemt i temp-mappen hos brugeren kan det gøres med CACHE=TRUE. Det bevirker at næste gang brugeren besøger siden hentes videoen i temp-mappen og er klar med det samme. CACHE kan enten være TRUE eller FALSE, eller du kan bare skrive CACHE. CACHE alene virker som TRUE. Standardværdien er sat op af brugeren med ‘QuickTime Plug-in Settings.’
Note: Denne kommando virker kun med Netscape Navigator, version 3.0 ell. senere.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ cache=”true”

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CONTROLLER=value (optional)
CONTROLLER styrer visningen af kontrolpanelet. CONTROLLER kan være TRUE eller FALSE. Som standard er den TRUE. Hvis den sættes til FALSE kan brugeren ikke styre afspilningen.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ controller=”false”
Se også  HEIGHT

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CORRECTION=value (optional)
CORRECTION kan sættes til NONE eller FULL. Standardværdi er FULL. Denne attribut benyttes kun til QuickTime VR panoramas.
embed src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ correction=”full”

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DONTFLATTENWHENSAVING makes the plug-ins’ ‘Save as QuickTime movie’ work the same way the ‘Save as source’ does. Adding the DONTFLATTENWHENSAVING tag saves the data into a movie file without flattening it.
embed src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ dontflattenwhensaving

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ENABLEJAVASCRIPT kan sættes til TRUE eller FALSE. Standard er FALSE. Hvis du ønsker at kontrollere en QT-video med JavaScript skal den sættes til  ENABLEJAVASCRIPT=”TRUE”.
embed src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ enablejavascript=true”

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ENDTIME=time (optional)
ENDTIME attributten definerer den sidste frame i videoen og kan være en hvilken som helst tid op til slutningen af filmen. Som standard er ENDTIME det samme som slutningen af filmen. Attributten skrives i formatet — Timer:Minutter:Sekunder:Frames (30ths).
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ endtime=”3:30:22.5″

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FOV=integer (optional)
Only integer values between 8 and 64 degrees are supplied for this attribute. If no value is specified for FOV, the value stored in the movie is used. The FOV attribute allows you to specify the initial field of view angle for a QuickTime VR movie.
embed src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ fov=”55″

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GOTOn (optional)

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HEIGHT=size in pixels (Skal bruges)
Definerer højden i pixels af din video. HEIGHT skal bruges medmindre du bruger HIDDEN attributten. Hvis du ikke bruger SCALE attributten og indsætter en HEIGHT der er mindre end din film (plus 16 hvis du viser controller), bliver filmen beskåret så den passer i vinduet. Indsætter du en værdi større end din video vil filmen blive centreret og der vil vises sort baggrund for oven og for neden.
Note: Sæt aldrig højden til mindre end 2, da det kan skabe problemer med visse browsere.
Note 2: Controller panelet er 16 pixels i højden (Quick Time) som du skal lægge til værdien hvis den skal vises.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ controller=”true”
Se også  WIDTH

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HIDDEN (optional)
Skjuler dit medie. Hvis ikke du bruger HIDDEN, vil din video blive synlig. If you supply HIDDEN, the movie is not visible on the page. This option is not appropriate for QuickTime VR Objects or Panoramas. The HIDDEN attribute is appropriate for sound-only movies which are hidden in the background.
Note:If you add the HIDDEN attribute, be sure to set AUTOPLAY=”TRUE” as well.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ hidden

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HOTSPOTn=“url” (optional)
Ved hjælp af QuickTime VR authoring tools kan du definere nogle HotSpots på din VR Panorama video. n er dit HotSpot ID som defineres når du laver dit HotSpot i programmet hvor du også specificerer URL’en. Target kan bruges til at åbne URL i nyt vindue eller player.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ hotspot17=””

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HREF=url (optional)
med HREF kan du lave et link til en anden side eller video når man klikker på filmen.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ href=””

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KIOSKMODE=value (optional)
KIOSKMODE er enten TRUE eller FALSE. Som standard er KIOSKMODE FALSE. Hvis KIOSKMODE er sat til TRUE, vil den normale pop-up menu ikke blive vist og der er blokeret for Drag and Drop af videoen for at gemme den.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ kioskmode=”true”

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LOOP=value (optional)
LOOP er enten TRUE, FALSE eller PALINDROME. Som standard er LOOP sat til FALSE. Hvis du sætter LOOP til PALINDROME vil filmen spille skiftevis forlæns og baglæns. Denne attribut kan ikke anvendes med QuickTime VR Objects og Panoramas.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ loop=”true”

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MOVIEID=integer (optional)
Just like MovieName, but uses a numeric ID instead of a name string. MovieID may be computed in the Wired Sprite scripts and may be useful where the MovieName of the target movie is not known.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ movieid=”5″

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MOVIENAME=name (optional)
With QuickTime 4.0 the targeting mechanism of wired actions has been extended to enable any action to target an element of another open movie. This means two or more movies within the same web page can communicate using the QuickTime 4.0 Plug-in. These same movies may communicate if they are opened in QuickTime Player if they are named using userdata atoms. For example, one movie can act as a controller for another movie setting things such as it’s rate, volume, the pan angle of a QTVR track it contains, or the location of a sprite in a sprite track that it contains. In many cases things that required JavaScript can now be done using only the QuickTime Plug-in with Wired Movies.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ moviename=”targetmov”

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NODE=integer (optional)
Panoreringfilm. Opgives som et heltal. Hvis der ikke denne attribute opgives, benyttes standard NODE and view (den du har indkodet da du lavede din pano-film).
embed src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ node=”128″
Se også : FOV, PAN, TILT

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PAN=integer (optional)
The PAN attribute allows you to specify the initial pan angle for a QuickTime VR movie. Only integer values are supplied for this attribute. The range of values for a typical movie would be 0 to 360 degrees. If no value for PAN is specified, the value stored in the movie is used. This attribute has no meaning for a standard QuickTime movie.
embed src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ pan=”180″
Se også : FOV, NODE, TILT

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PLAYEVERYFRAME=value (optional)
Som standard er, PLAYEVERYFRAME sat til FALSE. Hvis  PLAYEVERYFRAME er sat til TRUE vil hver frame afspilles selv om det betyder at hastigheden sættes ned. Denne attribute er især god til simple animationer. Denne attribute er kun til Quick Time film.
Note: PLAYEVERYFRAME=TRUE slukker for alle lydspor.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ playeveryframe=”true”

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PLUGINSPAGE=url (optional)
PLUGINSPAGE attribute giver brugeren mulighed for at hente plug-in hvis det ikke er installeret. Dette styres af browser. Hvis browseren ikke kan finde det rette plug-in vil den advare brugeren og give dem mulighed for at hente det på den opgivne URL.
IMPORTANT: Lad denne URL pege på: “” som altid indeholder den seneste version af plug-in.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ pluginspage=””

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QTNEXTn=“URL” (optional)
QTNEXT can be used to specify the url of a movie to load and play at the end of the current movie. This allows up to 256 consecutive movies to play one after the other. This behaves exactly the same as if the movie has a HREF track with an auto-url (“Aurl”) at the end of the movie. Where n is an integer greater than 0 and less than 256 that defines the index of the url in the playlist. A QTNEXT tag’s value can be a url (and optional target) or GOTOn where “n” is the index of the QTNEXT url to load. This allows you to make an endlessly repeating playlist.
Note: that the original movie (the SRC attribute) is implicitly QTNEXT0.
Note 2: The target Tmyself is normally specified. If no target is specified, the URL replaces the current browser window, and any subsequent QTNEXT statements are ignored.
QTNEXT1=” Tmyself”
QTNEXT2=”rtsp:// Tmyself”
QTNEXT3=”URL Tmyself”
Se også : TARGET

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QTSRC=“URL” (optional)
This attribute allows content developers to force a browser to use the QuickTime Plug-in for a file no matter what its MIME type is. The attribute treats it’s value as a URL to load, and ignores any data loaded by the browser from the “src” parameter.
EMBED src=”” qtsrc=”rtsp://”
This does not require the file type to be .mov. This can be any media type that QuickTime can read such as:
EMBED src=”” qtsrc=”rtsp://″

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Using the QTSRCCHOKESPEED attribute gives content developers the ability to specify the datarate of a movie being served regardless of the connection speed an end user has. This may be useful when a particular movie is requested from a server by large volumes of users to eliminate congestion in routers.
Note: When setting the choke speed, you will specify the maximum datarate.
embed src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ qtsrcchokespeed=33600

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QTSRCDONTUSEBROWSER kan sættes til TRUE or FALSE. By default, the behavior is set to FALSE. When set to true, the URL specified in the QTSRC parameter is loaded using QuickTime’s internal methods, instead of using the browser to fetch the file. This prevents the browser from caching the file, which speeds access to local movies and can help prevent copying movies over the Web.
embed src=”” qtsrc=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ qtsrcdontusebrowser

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SCALE=value (optional)
SCALE is either TOFIT, ASPECT or a number. By default the value of SCALE is 1. If set to TOFIT, the movie is scaled to fit the embedded box as specified by the HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes. If this is set to ASPECT, the movie will scale to fit the embedded box while maintaining the aspect ratio. If this is set with a number, the movie will be scaled by that number (e.g. 1.5). Note: Using the number scale attribute with a QTVR Panorama movie can degrade the performance of the movie even on high-end systems.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ scale=”tofit”

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SRC=URL (required)
The SRC attribute defines the url to the file for the plugin or helper application to play. The SRC attribute is the most common way to embed the media, except for occasional instances where the TYPE attribute may be necessary.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″
Se også : TYPE

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STARTTIME=time (optional)
The STARTTIME attribute defines the first frame of the movie. STARTTIME can be any time within the length of the movie. By default, STARTTIME is the first frame of the movie (or 00:00:00). This attribute takes a time value in the form Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames (30ths). The frames component can be specified as a fixed point number so that more specific times can be specified for instance 3:30:22.5 means 3 minutes, 30 seconds and 22.5 frames.
Note: For fast start movies, the entire file is still downloaded even if a STARTTIME is specified.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ starttime=”00:15:22.5″
Se også : ENDTIME

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When set, the QuickTime Plug-in will launch QuickTime Player as a helper application (if it is not already running) and opens the url of the movie file. In order for TARGET=”QUICKTIMEPLAYER” to work, there needs to be an href attribute in the embed tag which points to the movie file.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ href=”” target=”quicktimeplayer”

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TARGET=”MYSELF” (optional)
When set, the QuickTime Plug-in will replace the movie specified in the SRC parameter with the movie specified in the HREF attribute when a user clicks on the movie. In order for TARGET=”MYSELF” to work, there needs to be an HREF attribute in the embed tag pointing to a media type.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ href=”” target=”myself”Se også : HREF

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TARGETn=”FRAME_NAME” (optional)
TARGET is an optional attribute, used in conjunction with the HOTSPOT or HREF attributes. When set, the TARGET attribute is the name of a valid frame (including _self, _top, _parent, _blank or an explicit frame name) that will be the target of a link specified by the HOTSPOT or HREF attribute. Leaving TARGET unspecified will open the new file in the same place as the current movie.
HOTSPOT32=”” TARGET32=”_blank”
would specify that when hotspot 32 is clicked, the QuickTime home page will load in a new window.
NOTE: It is important to use the same ID# for both the HOTSPOT and TARGET for each URL reference. This ensures that the plug-in knows what HOTSPOT goes with what TARGET.

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TARGETCACHE=value (optional)
The TARGETCACHE attribute allows content creators to cache the movie the poster movie is targeting.TARGETCACHE is either TRUE or FALSE. By default, TARGETCACHE is FALSE.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ cache=”true” href=”” TARGET=”myself” targetcache=”true”

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TILT=integer (optional)
The TILT attribute allows you to specify the initial tilt angle for a QuickTime VR movie. Only integer values are supplied for this attribute. The range of values for a typical movie would be -42.5 to 42.5 degrees. If no value for TILT is specified, the value stored in the movie is used. This attribute has no meaning for a standard QuickTime movie.
embed src=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ tilt=”20.0″
Se også : FOV, NODE, PAN

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TYPE=”MIMEtype” (optional)
TYPE=”MIMEtype” specifies the MIME type of the EMBED file, which in turn determines which plug-in to load. Use the TYPE attribute for a plug-in that requires no data, for example, a plug-in that draws an analog clock or fetches all of its data dynamically. For a visible plug-in, you must include both the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes if you use TYPE; no default values are used.
Note: The functionality of this attribute is only supported by Netscape Navigator, version 2.0 or later.
embed src=”” type=”video/quicktime” width=”200″ height=”240″

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URLSUBSTITUTE=”String:SubstituteURL” (optional)
Replaces every instance of String with SubstituteURL inside any HREF tracks, sprite action URLs, or VR hotspot URLs. Both String and SubstituteURL must be surrounded by angle brackets, and the two must be separated by a colon. The value n may be any integer from 1 to 999, and may be omitted if only one URLSUBSTITUTE parameter is specified. Use this parameter to repurpose QuickTime movies with embedded URLs without editing the movies.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ urlsubstitute=”samplestring:http://dns/”

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VOLUME=value (optional)
The VOLUME attribute sets the movie’s initial audio volume. Only integer values between 0 through 100 are applied for this attribute. By default, VOLUME is set to 100. A setting of 0 effectively mutes the audio whereas a setting of 100 is the maximum volume.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″ volume=”50″

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WIDTH=size in pixels (required)
The WIDTH attribute specifies the WIDTH of the embedded file in pixels. The WIDTH of the movie can be found by choosing ‘Get Info…’ in the ‘Movie’ menu within QuickTime Player.
embed src=”” width=”200″ height=”240″
Se også : HEIGHT